Jokes Random


Santa was visiting the big city for the first time. He checks in at the hotel, and the bell boy takes his bags. He follows the boy, and as the door closes, he looks around and shakes his fist at him.

`Young man, I may be from the village and unfamiliar with the city, but that don`t mean I`m stupid! I paid good money, and this room won`t do at all! It`s too small, and without proper ventilation! Why there`s not even a bed!`

The bellboy looks at Santa and says, `Sir, this isn`t your room, it`s the elevator!`


Men are like puppies, adorable, then you take them home and they crap over everything you ever treasured.

Discount air rides

Delta Airlines recently introduced a special half-fare rate for wives accompanying their husbands on business trips. Anticipating some valuable testimonials, the publicity department of the airline sent out letters to all the wives of businessmen who used the special rates, asking how they enjoyed their trip. Responses are still pouring in asking, 'What trip?'

Mosquitos beer

A woman walked into the kitchen and found her husband walking around with a fly swatter. “What are you doing?” she asked. “Hunting mosquitoes,” He responded. “Oh, catching any?” She asked. “Yep, two males, two females,” He replied. Intrigued, she asked, “How can you tell?” He responded, “Two were on a beer can, two were on the phone.”

An Egyptian girl asked an Indian boy

An EGYPTIAN girl asked an INDIAN boy:
What can u do for me?

The boy replied:
come behind the PYRAMID.
I will make u MUMMY.An EGYPTIAN girl asked an INDIAN boy:
What can u do for me?

The boy replied:
come behind the PYRAMID.
I will make u MUMMY.

Born in which part

Boss: Where were you born?
Sardar: India ..
Boss: which part?
Sardar: What 'which part'? Whole body was born in India


Name game

A first-grade class is having a game of Name That Animal.
The teacher held up a picture of a cat.
"What animal is this?" she asked.
"A cat!" said Eddie.
"Good job! Now, what is this animal?"
"A dog!" said Eddie.
"Good! Now what animal is this?" she asked, holding up a picture of a
Deer. The class fell silent. After a couple of minutes, the teacher said,
"It's what your mom calls your dad."
"A horny bastard," called out Eddie.

An Icy Start To The Relationship

(A guy at work asks girl out on a date, and since she like him a lot, She say yes. They agree to meet in this new restaurant after her shift’s done. Unfortunately it has snowed, and everything is covered in ice and snow. Girl get lost, and after driving around aimlessly, she decide to give up and go home. Girl realize she forgot to exchange numbers, so she can’t call to apologize. The next day…)

Guy: “Hey, where were you?!”

Girl: “I’m so sorry about that! I got lost because of the snow!”

Guy: “Well, why didn’t you call me to say that?”

Girl: “I don’t have your number.”

Guy: “Well you could’ve asked for it!”

Girl: “I’m sorry; I forgot.”

Guy: “Yeah. Sure you did! Just admit that you don’t think I’m hot!”


Teacher: "Ramu, you talk a lot !"
Ramu: "It's a family tradition".
Teacher: "What do you mean?"
Ramu: "Sir, my grandpa was a street hawker, my father is a teacher".
Teacher: "What about your mother?"
Ramu: "She's a woman".


There was a lawyer and he was just waking up from anesthesia after surgery, and his wife was sitting by his side. His eyes fluttered open and he said, “You're beautiful!” and then he fell asleep again. His wife had never heard him say that so she stayed by his side.

A couple minutes later his eyes fluttered open and he said “You're cute!” Well, the wife was dissapointed because instead of “beautiful” it was “cute.” She said “What happened to ‘beautiful’? His reply was “The drugs are wearing off!”

Finance Minister

A little boy wanted Rs.50 very badly
& prayed for weeks but nothing happened.

Finally he decided to write God a letter, requesting Rs.50.

When the postal authorities received the letter addressed to God,
they decided to forward it to the Finance Minister of Pakistan as a joke.

The Finance Minister was so amused,
that he instructed his secretary to send the little boy Rs.20, thinking this would appear to be alot of money to a little boy & he did not want to spoil the kid.

The little boy was delighted with Rs.20
& decided to write a thank you note to God.

Which Read:

"Dear God, thank you very much for sending the money.
However, I noticed that you sent it through the Finance Minister in Islamabad & those bloody donkeys deducted Rs.30 in taxes!"


A lawyer was just waking up from anesthesia after surgery, and his wife was sitting by his side. His eyes fluttered open and he said, "You're beautiful!" and then he fell asleep again. His wife had never heard him say that so she stayed by his side.

A couple of minutes later, his eyes fluttered open and he said, "You're cute!" Well, the wife was dissapointed because instead of "beautiful," it was "cute." She asked, "What happened to 'beautiful'?" His reply was "The drugs are wearing off!"

Addicted to computers

Ten ways to know that you're addicted to your computer:-

10) When you begin to laugh you yell, LOL.

9) You tell your computer you love it, more than you tell your husband or wife.

8) Your house catches on fire and you run home to save your computer before your family.

7) Your computer is your ONLY friend.

6) You think cyber sex is better than real sex.

5) You type only in short hand (YO ROFLMAO I'LL BRB B4 U RTFM LOL).

4) You type 40 words a minute with two fingers.

3) Your twins are named RAM & ROM.

2) After breaking from your computer, you realize you have gained 40lbs, have grown hair in unusual places, your spouse and kids have left you, and Windows 95 is outdated.


A second language

A family of mice were surprised by a big cat. Father Mouse jumped and and said, “Bow-wow!”

The cat ran away. “What was that, Father?” asked Baby Mouse. “Well, son, that’s why it’s important to learn a second language


Buried in the holy land

A man and his ever-nagging wife went on vacation to Jerusalem.

While they were there, the wife passed away. The undertaker told the husband, "You can have her shipped home for $5,000, or you can bury her here, in the Holy Land , for $150."

The man thought about it and told him he would just have her shipped home.

The undertaker asked, "Why would you spend $5,000 to ship your wife home, when it would be wonderful to be buried here and you would spend only $150?"

The man replied, "Long ago a man died here, was buried here, and three days later he rose from the dead. I just can't take that chance".

Stand Up

Teacher: "Anyone who thinks he's stupid may stand up!"
*Nobody stands up*
Teacher: "Im sure there are some stupid students over here!!"
*Little Johnny stands up*
Teacher: "Ohh, Johnny you think you're stupid?"
Little Johnny: "No... i just feel bad that you're standing alone..."

Be Careful

Harris, an 82 year-old man, went to the doctor to get a physical.

A few days later, the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm.

A couple of days later, the doctor spoke to Morris and said, "You're really doing great, aren't you?"

Harris replied: "Just doing what you said, Doc. Get a hot mamma and be cheerful."

The doctor said: "I didn't say that. I said, You've got a heart murmur - be careful."

A woman in Brooklyn decided to prepare

A woman in Brooklyn decided to prepare her Will and make her final requests. She told her rabbi she had two final requests. First, she wanted to be cremated, and second, she wanted her ashes scattered all over Bloomingdales. "Why Bloomingdales?" asked the rabbi. "Then I'll be sure my daughters visit me twice a week."

Drive On

A new soldier was on sentry duty at the main gate. His orders were

clear; no car was to enter unless it had a special sticker on the

windshield. A big Army car came up with a general seated in the back.


The sentry said, "Halt, who goes there?"


The chauffeur, a corporal, says, "General Wheeler."


"I'm sorry, I can't let you through. You've got to have a sticker

on the windshield."


The general said, "Drive on!"


The sentry said, "Hold it! You really can't come through. I have

orders to shoot if you try driving in without a sticker."


The general repeated, "I'm telling you, son, drive on."


The sentry walked up to the rear window and said, "General, I'm new

at this. Do I shoot you or the driver?"new



A man is madly in love with a princess and wants to propose, but an evil witch has cast a spell on him, and now he can say only one word a year. So he waits 14 agonizing years—accumulating all his words—before approaching his beloved.

Finally, the big day arrives. When he sees her, his heart skips a beat. He gathers his nerve, drops to his knees, and intones, “My darling,

I have waited many years to say this: Will you marry me?”

The princess turns around, smiles, and says, “Pardon?”