Change of mind

Mrs. Sullivan and her little daughter Patty were outside the church watching all the comings and goings of a wedding.

After the photographs had been taken, everyone had driven off to the reception, and all the excitement was over.

Patty asked her mother, "Why did the bride change her mind, Mommy?"

"What do you mean, change her mind?" asked Mrs. Sullivan.

"Well`, said the child, "she went into the church with one man and came out with another!"

Strong Young Man

The strong young man at the construction site was bragging that he could outdo anyone in a feat of strength. He made a special case of making fun of one of the older workmen. After several minutes, the older worker had had enough.

“Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is,” he said. “I will bet a week’s wages that I can haul something in a wheelbarrow over to that outbuilding that you won’t be able to wheel back.”

“You’re on, old man,” the braggart replied. “Let’s see what you got.”

The old man reached out and grabbed the wheelbarrow by the handles. Then, nodding to the young man, he said, “all right, get in.”

Attorney Jokes one liners

 A good lawyer knows the law. A great lawyer knows the judge.

What do you call 5000 dead criminal defense lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?
A good start!

What's the difference between an attorney and a pit bull?

How can you tell when a lawyer is lying?
His lips are moving.

How does an attorney sleep?
First he lies on one side, and then on the other.

How do you get a group of personal injury lawyers to smile for a picture?

Just say "FEES"

Male or Femal Brain ?

 A young girl had been suffering from severe headaches and had tests run by her doctor. The doctor said, "I'm sorry miss, but you have a massive brain tumor."

The girl started crying and said to her mom, "I'm only 15 years old. I don't want to die."

The doctor said, "Well this is modern medicine. There is an experimental technique for a brain transplant, but it's expensive and not covered by insurance."

The girl's mother said, "Don't worry, dear. How much does it cost?"

The doctor replied, "Well, a male brain is $1,000,000 and the female brain is $25,000."

The mom said, "No problem. But why is the male brain more expensive then the female brain?" The doctor replied, "Because the female brain is USED!"



Little johnny the way you think

Teacher: "Four crows are on the fence. The farmer shoots one. How many are left?"

Little Johnny: "None."

Teacher: "Listen carefully: Four crows are on the fence. The farmer shoots one. How many are left?"

Little Johnny: "None."

Teacher: "Can you explain that answer?"

Little Johnny: "One is shot, the others fly away. There are none left."

Teacher: "Well, that isn't the correct answer, but I like the way you think."

Little Johnny: "Teacher, can I ask a question?"

Teacher: "Sure."

Little Johnny: "There are three women in the ice cream parlor. One is licking, one is biting and one is sucking her ice cream cone. Which one is married?"

Teacher: "The one sucking the cone."

Little Johnny: "No. The one with the wedding ring on, but I like the way you think."

ID Ten error

 I was having trouble with my computer. So I called Richard , the 11 year old next door, whose bedroom looks like Mission Control, to come over. Richard clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem.

As he was walking away, I called after him, “So, what was wrong?”

“It was an ID ten T error,” he replied.

I didn’t want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, “An, ID ten T error? What’s that … uh … in case I need to fix it again?”

Richard grinned … “Haven’t you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?”

“No,” I replied.

“Write it down,” he said, “and I think you’ll figure it out.”

So I wrote down: I D 1 0 T …..


Drive On

A new soldier was on sentry duty at the main gate. His orders were

clear; no car was to enter unless it had a special sticker on the

windshield. A big Army car came up with a general seated in the back.


The sentry said, "Halt, who goes there?"


The chauffeur, a corporal, says, "General Wheeler."


"I'm sorry, I can't let you through. You've got to have a sticker

on the windshield."


The general said, "Drive on!"


The sentry said, "Hold it! You really can't come through. I have

orders to shoot if you try driving in without a sticker."


The general repeated, "I'm telling you, son, drive on."


The sentry walked up to the rear window and said, "General, I'm new

at this. Do I shoot you or the driver?"new